In the shadow of London’s Lambeth Palace, surrounded by close friends, peers and collaborators, Veere Grenney celebrated decades at the top of design with the publication of his second book, Veere Grenney: Seeking Beauty.

Veere Grenney signs copies of his newly published book, Veere Grenney Seeking Beauty, at London's Garden Museum on 5 June 2024 © Ari Kellerman
Last night, in the shadow of London’s Lambeth Palace and surrounded by friends and peers, esteemed British decorator Veere Grenney celebrated decades at the top of design with the publication of his new book, Veere Greeney: Seeking Beauty.
Guests filled the elegant glass box cafe at the Garden Museum, where tall tables, draped in white tablecloths and piled high with books awaiting signatures, appeared like floating installations among the palms and foliage.
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The man of the hour happily obliged, signing copies for much of the night, while guests - including the legendary Pattie Boyd in a powder blue suit, Jamb founders Will Fisher and Charlotte Freemantle, and fellow designers Charlotte Rey and Ben Pentreath - drank champagne and ate devilled eggs, lamb cutlets and burrata on sourdough.
The ambience was intimate and convivial with Grenney surrounded by many of his closest friends and collaborators. The New Zealand-born decorator is much-admired for his timeless, classically elegant interiors and sophisticated, cohesive style, mastering the art of both restraint and flamboyance in his interiors.

Seeking Beauty - his second book, following the publication of Veere Grenney: On Decorating in 2018 - promises exclusive first images of his new London home. The book, published by Vendome Press, will also present new angles and reflections on his homes in Tangier and Suffolk, England. His influential ’Tangerine Villa’ in Tangier features gardens by Umberto Pasti, while his 18th-century home in Suffolk, within the grounds of Tendring Hall, features a glorious, geranium-filled garden.
Writing the book was "a real pleasure" Grenney told Cabana, adding that he hoped readers would appreciate the new perspective on his homes and new notes on design. Be among the first to order your copy of Seeking Beauty, now available at the Cabana Bookshop.