About Us

Cabana is an Italian lifestyle brand that celebrates the spirit of discovery, the search for beauty and the preservation of craft. Cabana Magazine is published biannually in print and daily online, showcasing the very best of interiors, travel and decorative arts, and Casa Cabana produces artisanal tableware designed in-house, inspired by the magazine’s globe-trotting narrative. Bridging the gap between printed page and tangible, everyday elegance, it is a beacon of sophisticated style. But Cabana is much more than the sum of its parts: it is an ethos, a mindset, and a whole lifestyle concept. It is a way of seeing and traveling the world, and escaping into the beauty and culture it holds.



The Magazine 

Published twice per year in April and October, Cabana Magazine explores the deeply personal relationships we have with the objects and interiors around us. The German word gemütlich encapsulates the Cabana Mood, conveying an inviting feeling of warmth and sense of space. With striking photography and world-exclusive stories, each issue is conceived as a design object in itself with its graphic treatments of features, embellished borders, lavish paper stock and tactile covers with past partners including Chanel, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Valentino, Loewe, and Tiffany & Co, amongst others.


Casa Cabana 

Casa Cabana designs and produces elegant tableware collections from artisans around the globe, with a distinct European style of hosting at home. With an uncompromising focus on artistry and craftsmanship, each piece embraces the art of entertaining based on the signature layered aesthetic of founder, Martina Mondadori.


Setting The Table With...


Contact Us

Via Borgospesso 8,

20121 Milan, Italy

Phone Number: 02 7423 5292


Opening Hours

Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am - 7pm

Sunday, Closed

Monday, Closed

If you would like to book an appointment out of these hours please contact the number below.

Phone Number: +39 380 896 5760
