A lavishly illustrated tale, rich in detail, passion and valor, Umberto Pasti's remarkable new book is a must-read that will take you on a captivating odyssey through collecting and beauty, says Madison Cox.



Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


"Oh, dear reader, what excitement awaits you," writes landscape architect, Madison Cox, in the foreword to writer and horticulturalist Umberto Pasti's extraordinary new book, The House of a Lifetime: A Collector's Journey in Tangier. Cox continues: "Within your hands is the means to embark on an odyssey that will take you across multiple continents, civilizations, and centuries to arrive at a most magical place called Tebarek Allah.


Miguel Flores-Vianna for Cabana N4. 


"Just as in Homer's epic tale, the series of extraordinary experiences portrayed in this remarkable one-of-a-kind book offers deep insights into its author, Umberto Pasti, and his life partner, Stephan Janson, and the world they have created on a south-facing hillside in Tangier, Morocco. This captivating, lavishly illustrated tale is rich in detail and encompasses all that a true epic must contain: passion, valor, adventure and love."


Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


If the first two paragraphs of this evocative foreword haven't grabbed you, then read on to tour the pair's exceptionally-curated, museum-worthy house in Tangier, Morocco, which Cabana has been enthralled by since the very first days of the magazine. Umberto and Stephan's house is seen here through the lens of two leading interiors photographers: Ngoc Minh Ngo (for The House of a Lifetime) and Miguel Flores-Vianna (for Cabana Magazine Issue 4).


The House of a Lifetime, published by Rizzoli USA, is available now on the Cabana Bookshop

Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


"It gives me great joy to see their very special home so beautifully documented in book form, and to know that in the future, Tebarek Allah will become a museum and remain a place where visitors can study and explore both the rich flora that graces the garden as well as the myriad examples of refined Moroccan craftsmanship."


Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli 


Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


Miguel Flores-Vianna for Cabana N4.  


 Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


Miguel Flores-Vianna for Cabana N4


Ngoc Minh Ngo; The House of a Lifetime, Rizzoli.


Miguel Flores-Vianna for Cabana N4. 


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