Katrin Moye | Ceramicist

Katrin Moye transforms historical ceramics into contemporary stories, blending hand-painted designs with personal and societal themes. Inspired by 16th to 18th-century European pottery, her work revives traditional forms like posset pots and pharmacy jars, infusing them with wit and modern relevance. Through her crafted earthenware, she explores identity, history, and the evolving relationship between people and objects, bringing the past to life.
How did you begin?
"I was fortunate to go to a school with a ceramics studio within the art department, and I spent some very happy afternoons there from the age of 11 to 15. I still have a couple of the things I made back then, including a vast moon jar that’s now in my back garden. I continued to develop my affinity for clay in an art foundation course after taking A levels. I got permission to spend six months in the ceramics department instead of doing metalwork, woodwork, textiles. I’m still grateful to Hastings College for allowing me to do that!"
How did you train?
"I came back to clay when I was in my mid-20s when I started going to a pottery evening class. Then, I completed a BTEC in ceramics in London after leaving work to start our family. That was in 2000, and I became excited about making ceramics a career instead of a hobby. I set up a little studio in our back garden when my youngest was a pre-schooler. I gradually built up the hours I spent there, as and when I got more time after the little one started school. And then, finally, I set up correctly in 2004, when I went to my first trade fairs – and things have developed from there. I haven’t received much formal training besides the basics learned at the foundation course and the Btec. Everything beyond that has been a case of trial and error, research from books and online, visits to museums, and so on."

How do you plan, prepare and create your works?
"This has been a very slow evolution over the last 20 years. Having begun as a maker of small batches of wheel-thrown domestic ware, I’ve very gradually moved towards the place I’m at now creatively, which is where I want to be. I feel as though I’ve finally arrived at the destination I didn’t know I was heading for all this time, and it feels great.
"As for the technical process – I work with the same materials for everything I make; earthenware clay is thrown on the wheel, handbuilt, and sculptural elements are added, or I alter the thrown form to adapt it to the desired shape. I’ve also more recently been working on purely sculptural pieces – I’m currently making tile panels with sculptural frames as a homage to the Della Robbia dynasty from the Italian Renaissance. The pieces are then covered with white slip, either painted or poured over, and I hand-painted the decorations using underglaze colours. The work is fired in the kiln and then covered in a clear, glossy glaze. At this point, it’s fired again and is then complete."

Are there any themes running through your work?
"Creatively speaking, I have brought together all the elements that make me who I am. I’ve found a way to celebrate my love of Art History, especially that of the Italian Renaissance and the Golden Age of The Netherlands, by researching the ceramic production of those periods and relating that to social and art history.
"I bring this into the present by linking aspects of the time I’m researching with similarities I find in life's experiences today. Misinformation and celebrity gossip, misogyny and flattery, dirty jokes and slapstick humour – all are very clearly present in whichever period one cares to look at, which I find endlessly entertaining.
"I had an epiphany when I was working on a project about ‘The Life and Times of Tristram Shandy’ by Laurence Sterne during lockdown - this classic novel, written in 1759, was such a revelation in that it discussed very thoughtful, complex themes and ideas in an approachable, humorous way, and the central characters were two completely ordinary men, bumbling their way through life. It struck me that history in the way we learn it at school is very misleading, focusing as it does on royalty, wars, politics, instead of the vast majority of people, just like any of us at any point, who only want to get through the day and work out what to have for dinner at the end of it."

Who or what most influences your work?
"My work is a bid to compensate for this by focusing on the ordinary things we all care about and always have; and to make that point that we’re all the same and always have been, I use very recognizable styles and idioms from the history of European ceramics to join us all together. I could go on about this all day.
"Still, the other thing I want to do with my work is point out the illogicality and idiocy of misogynistic attitudes to women’s bodies and minds in a light-hearted and humorous way to reclaim some of the ground that has been taken away from us by those age-old prejudices. Having studied both Art History and English Literature, I’ve also brought my interest in linguistics into my work to explore this from a socio-historical angle. I am thrilled to be able to indulge my fascination with historical slang words and such."
What does a typical day look like?
"I work in a studio five minutes from my house in a suburb of Nottingham. It’s made from the ground floor of a Victorian terrace. It’s getting small for me now, but I’d hate to leave it – I’ve been there nearly 15 years, and it feels like home.
"A typical day starts with admin: catching up on correspondence, reading up on things I’m working on, and then working through a handwritten to-do list that I like to make just before finishing work the previous evening. I’ll have the radio on for the company most of the day. It has recently been Radio 3; I’m enjoying learning more about classical music."

What are the best and worst things about being a craftsperson today?
The best thing is that I get to indulge in my esoteric interests through my work, and I feel the privilege of being able to do that every day. I’ve also met some brilliant people through my research, and I love meeting up with them and sharing our passions! I’ve also got friends very dear to me, whom I made in the earlier years of going to craft fairs with my work. I guess the worst thing is the uncertainty in terms of income, and the stress of that is sometimes relatively high.
An object you’ll never part with?
Does my husband count as an object? If not, then I’d like to nominate a long piece of bamboo inadvertently collected by our car wing mirror on a hair-raising drive through the undergrowth at the edge of Lake Bolsena in Lazio.
A Place or Space that inspires you...
A trip to Deruta in Umbria last spring was mind-blowing – it was one of the Italian Renaissance Maiolica production centres. I was privileged to be given a tour of the Maiolica Museum there by an eminent Maiolica historian. It was part of a research trip to the area. I stayed in Perugia, now my favorite place alongside Amsterdam, which I visited a few years ago to look at the Delftware, among other beautiful things.

Interview by Emma Becque
Images from Katrin Moye