Lizzie Deshayes | Needlework

© Jon Aaron Green, Stylist Alyce Taylor
In the bustling studio of Fromental, Lizzie Deshayes crafts exquisite needleworks, drawing on a rich tapestry of family craftsmanship and personal artistic exploration. Co-founder of Fromental alongside her husband, Tim, Lizzie interweaves her lifelong affinity for handcrafted textiles with contemporary design, creating tapestries that resonate with historical depth and modern elegance.
How did you come to your craft?
"Tapestry needlepoint has always been part of my life. I grew up watching my grandmother, great-aunts, and mother work at large or smaller pieces. Handcraft was everywhere In my childhood. My family made objects for the home or as craftsmen and artists. I divided my time between London and the south of France, where my father’s family lived. Central to growing up were visits to my Godfather's house in London. Both artists in different fields, I was surrounded by art books, materials and, most importantly, the notion that artists' and craftspeoples' work is a lifelong vocation."
Was it something you always aspired to do, or a more serendipitous journey?
"I made my first childish piece when I was about eight, and then, on and off until around 15 years ago, I started a few pieces that were always left unfinished. I would always run out of steam and true inspiration as I pursued other textile and surface design avenues, which were part of my day-to-day job and consumed me with interest."
"It always stayed in the back of my mind, and combined with my passion for 14th-century and mid-century woven tapestries, about 15 years ago, I finally found my voice. Armed with a few precious, now out-of-print books on needlework, I re-engaged with the various stitches, wools and yarns I would need to execute the designs that were finally emerging."

An example of Lizzie's needlepoint craftsmanship © Fromental
How and where did you learn the technique?
"Needlepoint tapestry is a very modest craft that can be picked up quite quickly, and as long as one is diligent with tension and neatness, it is very accessible. Following an existing design in kit form was of little interest to me. As my profession is in pattern design, I can plan my work and play freely with styles and fibres."
"Needlepoint is central to my life. I love the planning and the slow progress. It allows the mind to focus on one thing: practising mindfulness. Inspiration is usually a bolt, a whirl of ideas, a bubbling of excitement and possibilities."
"The crafting process allows the idea to mature, move on and take form as a thought-out and considered object. It is also marvellous to think that I am only halfway through my journey as a textile artist. At 51, I still have decades to learn, improve, and explore. I shall die happy with either a pencil or a needle in hand!"

Lizzie and her husband, Tim Butcher © Jon Aaron Green, Stylist Alyce Taylor
How do you make plan, prepare and execute your works?
"Once the technique has been explored well enough to have a deep enough knowledge of all the technical permutations, the first step of the process is that wonderful and fleeting moment when inspiration strikes and an idea forms in my mind."
"Inspiration often comes from visits to galleries and museums but can also come from remembering an image glanced at in a book many years before. I start sketching a rough draft of the design in my latest sketchbook, first in graphite pencil, then in full colour. I will play around with this until I end up with a good enough visual after a few drawings. I will then think carefully about the correct gage of canvas for the image I want to end up with ( a fine gage will allow minute detail, a larger gage, more textural and abstract work)."
"Next, the fun of sampling begins; yarns and colours are chosen (sometimes the ideal excuse for purchasing new materials or finally using others who were biding their time!) The sampling process is akin to sketching, as I will make many samples until I am satisfied."
"A full-scale cartoon is then prepared (as it would be for a weft-facing tapestry- think of the Raphael cartoons at the national gallery), and the design is traced onto the tapestry canvas. The cartoon will be colour-coded so that every area is clearly labelled with yarn to use. Then, it is a question of following the selected sample and putting in the hours!"

Handcrafted needlework embroidery on cushions © Fromental
Who or what most influences your work?
"Works of decorative art (some anonymous in the case of 13th or 14th pieces) are a continual inspiration, usually from different fields such as ceramics or paintings."
Are there any themes running through your work?
"The natural world is featured heavily in my needlework, but often, an image is filtered through the lens of another artist rather than drawn directly from nature. Where do you work? I have my studio and library of books and materials within the Fromental office and showroom."
The joys and challenges of your vocation?
"The joy of the creative and making process and the delight of sharing the story of each piece with others gives my life real meaning. The challenge is to be ever-aware that each piece must resonate with a potential client as a piece of decorative art within their home and has deep meaning to me as a designer/artist to want to create it."

A collection of Fromental pairings considering pattern, color, form and textures through intricate needlework © Fromental
Interview by Emma Becque
Images from Jon Aaron Green & Fromental